Saturday, June 08, 2024

How Long Has This Been Going On?

Oh, I don't normally comment on these things, because what's the point? I'm a pacifist, and this conflict certainly, and the people probably seem to be, the complete opposite to that, however...

The Palestinian and Jewish problem? How long has it been going on? Years? How many years? I don't know. I guess I could google it, but I'm not that interested. Hasn't it been an endless conflict?

I don't know all that much about the situation, I know some, but not much. I can see that the Palestinians started the current rouble, and now the Jews seem intent on committing genocide on the Palestinians.

It seems fair that there should be a two state solution, that each, let's call them sides, should have their homeland. 

But, to tell you the truth, all I really see is the problems and the hatred of the Jews and the Palestinians have now been imported into a peaceful country like Australia, and others. That's what I see.

The Palestine and Jewish anger/aggression/tension/hatred has now been bought into peaceful countries where we don't have this trouble, well, not until now. I don't really see what it has to do with us? 

If these protesters really want to protest, why don't they go to Gaza and the West Bank and try protesting there.

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