Monday, June 17, 2024


I used being sick to work the day from home, when today was supposed to be my day in the office. Well, why waste a couple of days off sick? I ask you. Even though I felt better, not completely well, but better than I did on the weekend.

I had computer problems, first up. Grrr! Good to be home for computer problems, I told myself.

Then the first thing I read once my computer was up and running again, was an email from the rather over bearing receptionist, 

"Your apology is accepted."

I apologised for something, for what I couldn't remember today. I'm sure it was just something you say.

I laughed out loud and said, "You actually think I meant that? Well, there you go."

I mean, not that I didn't mean it, either, even if I couldn't remember what. But, it wasn't hanging on an acceptance.

What was it that Grouch Marx said? If you can fake sincerity you will go far in life."

I just googled it, and he actually said,“The Two Most Important Words In The World Are Honesty And Sincerity, If You Can Fake These You’ve Got It Made.” — Groucho Marx

I felt cold all day.

Otto played with his chew toys at my feet all day.

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