Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Human Remains Are Agitating Like It's The Night Of The Zombies

AH! Ever since last week when the Sydney HR genius couldn't work out at what rate her unpaid leave was paid, HR have been at me. I don't know if it is their natural Borgian instincts to find and kill anyone who has, or even perceived to have, cast ill will in their direction. Or, maybe they are on a seek and destroy mission to get anyone who has recognised their general ineptitude? But the questions have been coming thick and fast ever since. I couldn't even tell you if the bitchhood had a meeting about me, but, ah! I hate having this much contact with the enemy!

Get on your brooms and go. Leave me alone! Is all I can think. I feel like Tippi Hedren in The Birds. Or to coin a phrase so often used by the young now a days, back off, you are making me feel unsafe. The air is filled full of all that inane chattering that HR does so well, like the plague of locusts have arrive in your paddock.

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