Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sunday Morning

I got up early, because I just do. That is what happens.

It was still dark, and a bit cold.

I made coffee. Of course I did.

We are out of dry cat food, so Milo is semi hysterical about his dry food bowl being empty, as it is rarely empty. He might as well of had flags and been performing semaphore from his cat food table, such was the state he was in.

I think, perhaps, I was supposed to go and get a new bag from the pet shop in the last few days, but I didn't, so now we are out completely.

Sam told me last night he'd ordered some dry food online, so I am guessing it will be here today, tomorrow at the latest, so Milo will just have to wait until a bit.

Sam buys lots of things on line, surely that must combat Woolies and Coles price gouging at this point in time somewhat? He gets tissues and toilet paper and tooth paste and detergent, to name just a few, delivered in boxes.

We even had some pet products delivered late last night.

"There is a delivery this late on a Saturday," I asked Sam when he returned from the front door.

"Yes, pet vitamins, just delivered."

I looked at the time, it was something like 8pm.

Milo is now acting sentry on the couch next to me. I'm guessing he doesn't understand his bowl sans food at all.

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