Friday, June 14, 2024

Still Sick

I stayed in bed all day. That's what my mum told me to do when I had a cold.

"Go and get into bed."

I spent the day in bed watching YouTube and short films, as I couldn't find a longer film to watch.

I just couldn't settle on any one film. 

I watched Bugs Bunny for a while. And it made me laugh. (Any Bugs Bunny DVD for $1 is mine)

I took the opportunity to watch A Clockwork Orange for the first time. No, I have never watched it. I made it to half way before I switched it off. What a lot of shit, I thought.

I watched an old Judi Dench film, but that was crap too.

I tried Eating Out 2, and while it was watchable, I just wasn't in the mood for that fluffy cliched gay nonsense.

Short films seemed to be more to my attention span.

In the end, I settled into watch Wildside. When that series first came out I watched it avidly because of Alex Dimitriades and Aaron Pederson. I can't tell you how many times I imagined the two of them together. So when the DVDs came up cheap, I bought them. This is the first time I have watched them. Just perfect for a day sick in bed.

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