Thursday, June 27, 2024

Men's Behaviour

Recently, I have had a guy with possessed eyes in one of those big utes not giving way to me as a pedestrian. I pulled him up on, and he denied it, and I insisted he was in the wrong. Then he suggested he might get out of his ute and 'teach me a lesson' when I continued to tell him he had to give way to me as a pedestrian.

I had one of those guys paid-to-stand-around-and-watch-traffic saying he would 'teach me a lesson' after I didn't take his complaint seriously when Bruno pissed on one of his dirty old witches hats that had spent its life on the road in the dirt. Yeah, sure, I should have probably just apologised for that one, but seriously, threats of violence?

And then a day, or two ago, another guy said to me, did I want him to get out of his car 'and show me,' when he also didn't give way to me as a pedestrian and I pulled him up on it telling him it was the law that he did give way to me. He said he didn't have to, and I said that maybe he should learn his road laws if he wants to drive a car on the road. Green P plater, nice looking, school prefect type, thought he knew everything.

Three times, three guys recently went unnecessarily to threats of violence to settle a perceived dispute in a very short time, which surprised me. No, it shocked me, and I live in the inner suburbs of Melbourne to where all the cunts from the suburbs gravitate.

You know, maybe it is men's behaviour that is the problem in domestic violence situations. 

If these guys were such snowflakes in these relatively benign situations, how would they react with something more serious in their lives?

I could see all three of these guys beating up their wives and girlfriends. Yeah, sure I could.

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