Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Today was smooth, it just drifted away, like Tuesdays should, like all Tuesdays should. I started at 7am.

Boris is going overseas on a holiday, did I tell you? 8 weeks away. She asked me, a few weeks ago, if I'd do her work while she was away. She said she had to ask me before she booked her tickets. I said yes. Since then, I have kind of been regretting that burst of selflessness.

I spoke to my big boss today about other things. After our discussion he asked me how I was?

"I was sick over the weekend, and while I'm feeling better, I still have a cough and I can hear my voice is a bit weird."

"How are you feeling about Boris' imminent trip."

"I hope I remember what to do?"

"You feeling okay about it though?"

"To tell you the truth, I'd rather not do it at all, but that's what you do isn't it, you help people out."

"Wow. I think that attitude is dying out quickly around the office."

"Oh we'll, you do what you can do."

He seemed pretty pleased with my attitude. I didn't say it to please him, I just told him the truth. And hopefully I banked a few points in the process, well, I mean, better than not, I guess, but, again, I didn't say it for that reason.

My big boss is nice. He is a really nice guy. Pretty much always up and positive and seemingly cares about his staff.

Oh, fuck, 8 weeks is all I can think. Oh, I so don't want to do it.

I signed out of work before 3pm, gotta luv working from home. Otto and I cuddled up on the couch. I watched YouTube car shows as I gently dozed off for an afternoon nap.

I'm taking Olive Leaf extract, Apple Cyder Vinegar, Metamucil, with a touch of orange juice and water every day.

Sam's giving me some tablets which I just throw down unquestioningly, also. I presume they are vitamins? 

You are probably meant to take all of this before you get sick, never the less.

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