Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Oh, HR, How I Have Missed You So... not

This is the calibre of HR people.

This is true, I kid you not.

An HR chick from Sydney applied for a fortnight's unpaid leave before a pay rise, but it wasn't authorised and then processed until after her pay rise, that's because someone further up the incompetent HR food chain had failed to authorise it.

Why she came to me, is another mystery, but she did, as she couldn't find anyone else to help her, so she asked me to investigate it for her.

So, she just wanted someone to confirm for her that the unpaid leave was deducted at her old rate and not at her new higher rate. She felt that it being deducted at the higher rate was unfair.

"Unpaid Leave," I questioned?

"Yes, that's right, could you help me?"

Could I help her? I doubted it.

Could anyone help her? The thought made me chuckle to myself.

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