Saturday, June 01, 2024

Saturday Lunch

Winter has come. There were lots of people out and about on a sunny winter's day. 

We walked into town and I had a haircut. My hairdresser has bleached his hair blond, which really hasn't helped his, shall we say, um, er, well, there are no other words for it, average looks. It has somehow made his eyes look more, um, 'buggy' than they did previously. At the best of times, he has what you might call aquatic eyes. Is that terrible of me to say? He looks like a fish. He's a good hairdresser though, so that is what counts. He doesn't say much, which I really liked in a hair professional. I can't stand constant chit chat when I am getting my haircut, when I am trapped and can't escape.

We went and sat outside the State Library and ate pulled beef rolls, which tasted like they had been toasted more than once. They were really awful, cardboard in consistency, which was disappointing. When the dogs had an altercation we walked home, that was disappointing too.

We grabbed some more food at our local bakery. I told the nice lady behind the counter of the awful roll we'd just had. 

"It was probably yesterday's. I don't know why they do that thinking the public can't tell, because people can always tell."

She gave me the last of the day before's fruit loaf she had saying, "Take that and toast it, it will be nice with a cup of coffee." She said tea, but I prefer coffee.

We ate a veggie pie and a pizza slice. And I got two muffins both of which I ate when Sam said he didn't want his. I know, piggy me.

I had to turn down Rachel's birthday invite to South Australia because I just don't think we can go anywhere at present as we can't leave our stupid fighting dogs with anyone. It wouldn't be fair.

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