Friday, June 28, 2024

Oh, The People

I take the dogs for a walk. We leave late in the morning, around midday. There are a lot of people around at midday, the place is crawling with them. I'm used to going earlier and having relatively empty streets. Note to self, don't go late again.

The sun is shining, the sky is blue. There is a breeze as we walk down Brunswick Street. It's a nice day, it's a nice walk.

Suddenly, someone yells out, blood curdling disgust, mixed with HOW DARE YOU!!!!. A guy on an electric scooter yells at a van driver for doing something, I’m not exactly sure what, I didn’t see. Cutting him off, I guess. Then the electric scooter takes off and goes straight through a red light of a pedestrian crossing where people are crossing, who stood there incredulous with their hands in the air, questioning.

I mean, seriously?

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