Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Getting a Little Precious?

Grant Denyer responds to being asked about an exhausting week with the line,

"I feel like I've had sex with a black man."

And he's branded sexist, racist and homophobic? His comments were described as deplorable, pandering to negative stereotypes and that he should be referred to the broadcasting watch dog. We're getting a little precious, aren't we?

He was saying that he felt more fucked than he ever has, like he'd been rogered with a big cock.

Please guys, let's stick to derogatory remarks that are truly hate filled and leave humour out of it.

I kind of see it as a compliment, if I see it as any thing at all. The act that would tire him out the most would be sex with another man and that the man who would tire him out the most would be the man with the biggest cock.

He also said, "I'll be the host who looks like he's been riding a horse for a week." Now maybe all the horses in the world should take out anti-vilification law suits.

If anything, I see the criticism as homophobic. The good politically correct folk of this world don't want homosexual'esque comments to become the norm in polite conversation?

I mean, that is all very simplistic, but let's save our outrage for people who are really filled with hate.


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