Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Morning in the Office

I’m up early, I’m always up early. I sign into work early. 7am. Blah, blah, blah, that’s what my brain does when I think about work.

I ate my breakfast and then get my lazy arse out the door early and go for a walk for an hour. (30 to 60 minutes walking a day reduces the risk of heart disease by 40%, I repeat that to myself and it gets me up and gets me walking) You’ve got to love working from home.

The sun is shining.

Head phones in, I shut the front door. As I step up to the lights at Nicholson I tripped on nothing in particular and fell forward grabbing a post to stop myself, just as a car whizzed by. I could feel the slipstream of the car blow against my face. Wow, I think, that is how accidents happen so easily.

It’s a lovely day not to fall in front of a speeding car.

Twice around the park and home again and that is an hour.

There is a hot boy with beefy arse in tight tan pants drinking coffee on the first corner of the park. Nice, I think. Soldier on.

Walking down Rathdowne Street a guy jogs passed me from behind. I am lost in my walking world, singing to myself, enjoying the fresh air. The next time I look the jogger is half way around the park on the other side. How did he do that? I wish I could still jog, but if I do I get a shin splint in my right leg which makes it almost impossible to walk, let along run.

Obese boy walks towards me in black, good for him, he is out every morning exercising, along the Rathdowne Street end of the museum.

9.30am. I’m home again. Back to my office for my rest of my day at work.

After work, we take the dogs for a walk.

How come I am putting on weight when I am doing all this walking, I think?

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