Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday, Hump Day

Ah, fuck it Tuesday. What can I say? It is my Wednesday, but with only one other day on either side. One more day before I run away and hide. 

Got to love it.

What is it they say about hump day? It is the toughest day of the week. Perpetually stuck in the middle with nowhere to go. The middle child, of the days. It makes you cry? Contemplate suicide. Isn’t that what they say? (of course, ‘they’ say a lot of things) The day you are going to break down, or throw a rope over a beam. So, it would seem.

Not for me, with just one day either side.

It's been a long time since I have cried. I can’t remember why? I quite like crying though, it's cleansing, I’m not shy. Let the tears slide, down my rose pink cheeks.

Or someone's died? (Oh, passed, sorry to anyone who was offended) Remember, hand twinkles in the air, some people are triggered by clapping, if you believe that)

Are we breeding them soft?

There is a big difference between modifying the language to help eradicate sexism and racism and homophobia and transphobia and bigotry, and pandering to everyone else.

Sometimes I think those in the majority see allowances and modifications made for minorities to help them have an easier life, influencing them to want special treatment too. But it is not special treatment if you are being discriminated against. It is special treatment if you are not being discriminated against. It is a difficult point for some people to grasp.

Only Black Lives Matter, because all lives already do.

Tuesday? Who'd have thought.

Here's to Charlie Watts and Sarah Dash, to great lives lived well.

I've got all my work done by 2pm. Sam is cooking me lunch, prawns and noodles. Time for an extended break. Gotta luv that. Have I told you I love working from home?

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