Wednesday, September 08, 2021

The Sun is Shining

It is one of those glorious days here again in Melbourne. It is just the perfect spring today. Sparkling. Fresh.

I worked most of the day, but now I am lying on the couch (what I do best, let’s face it) with my French Doors open and the sweet scented breeze wafting in. I am so comfortable, I never want to move. (Bugger that 3.30pm meeting)

My bulldogs are lying next to me snoring.

You've got to love working from home. I know I do. It is my Friday too, my weekend starts after this.

I'm trying to get back to my short stories. There are a whole bunch of them that are just about finished, that I want to get onto and get finished, but I keep getting distracted by Facebook, and YouTube, and life, and the likes.

(Bruno gets up on the couch and squeezes in between me and the back of the couch – and he’s not a Chihuahua that’s for sure – he turns and lies his fat face right across mine. Yeah, ood onya Brun)

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