Friday, October 28, 2022

David Arrives

I watched YouTube and smoked pot. I got to the bakery and got bread.

Late afternoon, David will be here soon. I’m sure he will be up, you know, coming to Melbourne.

David messages from the Uber at the airport. “On my way. Get the fire burning.”

Oh, I look bleary-eyed from the couch to the fire place. Sam has it full of dog wipes and supermarket shopping packaging. It needed to burn. Today was an oddly cold snap. Underneath the debris was a complete half burned fire. I pulled out the pre-burnt wood. I gathered sticks. I setup the tepee of sticks over the smaller mound of packaging and set the whole thing alight. I gradually loaded the pre-burnt wood and a matter of 10 minutes we had a fully burning fire.

6.30pm. David arrives. The fire is glorious. “Thank you,” he says.

“Good thing you messaged,” I said. 

“It is always good to call ahead.”

The boys next door fire up with the fire indoors. Yay!

“Put the news on,” says David. He waves his hand in the direction of the TV.

Emissions are surging, and the WHO says the countries of the world have no real policies in position to combat the surging problem. Pretty much, for 30 years we have been warned, the day of no return would come, and we are no further along the road to solving the problem.

7pm. David goes and gets hamburgers and chips.

I smoke a joint. David doesn't smoke.

Sam calls, he is in the reception of his family's hotel. He keeps getting headaches.

The boys next door are loud. They just all seem to talk all at once. Is it a gaggle of roosters? I could just imagine all their limp dicks bouncing up and down in their jeans as they leap in the air for the ‘good point’ they had just made, or for a ‘good point’ one of the bros had just made. “Yay.” I think they play Beer Pong on the big table out the back on Friday nights. The rest of the week they are quiet. And a gaggle of straight boys is loud. All that cheering, and those shrieks of delight.

David & I watched Longtime Companion. David poured us pots of white wine. I think he drinks 2 pots. I hardly drink now a days. I don't drink, really. I think the booze sent me asleep towards the end, just waking in time for it not to be obvious, bleary-eyed, as suddenly the film was finished.

David went to bed at 11pm.

The boys next door, although much quieter than earlier, seemed to chuck it in at 11.20pm.

Bruno and I went to bed at 11.30pm.

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