Tuesday, October 04, 2022

You Stink of Cigarettes

I went to see a doctor to see about having a cyst cut off my face, my eye lid to be exact. Another one.

I had one previously removed some years ago and the new doctor asked me who removed it?

"Oh, a guy in [name of suburb] "

"Okay," he said.

"He smelt of cigarettes."

"Oh that's [name of doctor]

"Yes, that's him."

Fancy being recognised by your stink of tobacco products, as a doctor.

It's Me & Hugh Jackman having BCCs cut off our faces.

This one is right in the corner of my eye where my top lid and my bottom lid joins. Not sure how he is going to stitch it or bandage it. I wonder if I'll have my whole eye bandaged at least for a while?

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