Friday, November 04, 2005

Run Away

SMS. 7.11. Miss, here’s to a day when something wonderful happens – Christian
SMS. 7.11. I will smoke to that Christian xxxx love ya – Tom
SMS. 7.23. Did I rspv to your birthday? – Christian
SMS. 7.55. Yes darling, the country boys and Tim haven’t – He-who-shall-never-be-mentioned

I chatted to Gill about Uncle Al’s email address, as I walked up the Bourke Street Mall, all sharp edges and sanitised since its makeover. It’s the austere noughts, the time we’re living in. I told her I’d have to contact the other one. The other what, she asked. Well, there’s three of us, I say.

SMS. 18.09. (Will) Do you know Uncle Al’s email address? – Christian

I get home from work and feel like I’m slipping into procrastinate mode, not long after settling. So I pack everything in the car and leave, just as Tim and Nicholas get home.
As I hit the Gisborne sign, I remember that I was going to go and visit Tom on my way up. Doh! I’m such an airhead sometimes. And I had no dope, I promise.

SMS. 20.54. Hey Christian – Tom
SMS. 20.58. How are u miss? Did nice things happen? – Christian

Leah and I veg in front of the TV. Leah rolls the joints, I make the tea.

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