Thursday, September 12, 2024

Going To The Doctor

I took Bruno to the eye doctor. He's got ointment and pills to try and fix his eye problem.

Out to the outer south eastern suburbs by 3.30pm, a 45 minute drive. Not my ideal choice of appointment time, I'd much rather do such a trek - to foreign territory - in the morning.

And I tell you what, the traffic for the drive home was horrendous. The freeway on which we came out was a carpark heading back into the city at 4.30pm. So, Bruno and I continued on right across the outer easter suburbs to the northern side to take the other freeway back into town. We live in the northern inner suburbs so it makes no real difference where we drive across the city, out there, or in close. 

That drive across the outer eastern suburbs was really really heavy with traffic, but for the most part it kept moving, even though the road was heaving with cars.

Is this what the commute is like for all these people every day? I tell you what, if I had to do that I'd be chucking a rope over a tree branch, erm, ah, well, I just wouldn't be doing it. Work from home, that is what I say.

There was a report recently that calculated that workers have saved 85 billion dollars since they all started working from home. Hello? That is why we don't want to go back.

We made it home in just a fraction over an hour, so really that wasn't so bad.

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