Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Riding My Bike

I can't tell you how happy I am to ride my bike around the city.

Last night leaving the gym, the main road in front of the gym was unusually banked right back with one great line of traffic at a stand still. Car drives were unsuccessfully trying to jockey for a better position, but there was no where for them to go. Some of the 4WDs were illegally mounting the centre tramway strip and doing U-turns, but really the other side was only marginally better.

I don't know what had gone wrong with the traffic. Shrug.

It's moments like these you realise how mean employers are making workers go back to the office. You think govts would be encouraging work from home to alleviate peak hour traffic congestion.

I peddled casually out between the stationary cars, crossed over the road to the park, and peddled through the serenity of the green grass under the gorgeous trees, with the sun shining down on me.


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