Saturday, September 28, 2024

I Joined The Gym

There, I did it, I joined the gym, so that's done. I got it done this morning, after we washed Bruno and Otto. I don't know why I get slightly anxious about such things, but I always seem to with things I am doing for the first time. I've joined gyms before, of course, but never that one, that's the first time bit.

I don't know if that is just me, or if everyone gets anxious with suchthaigs. Does everyone else? I don't know. I can only speak for myself, of course. In the end, I just have to set a course, being the last minute always seems to spur me on, you know, when I seemingly have no other choice left. Then I always get things done.

We walked the dogs to Carlton for lunch.

After which, I even went and did a gym work out.

There. Done. Girl trainer will be pleased, or at least not disappointed.

It was LouLou's birthday, so I rang her at 8am and sang her happy birthday. As the phone was ringing, I did wonder if it was too early, but then LouLou answered croaky voice and all. She said it wasn't too early, she's looking after some kids and they'd been trying to get her out of bed since 6am. 

"You are my first birthday wishes," she said. "I guess now I should get up."

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