Saturday, September 14, 2024

Wet Weekend

It's raining. I'm lying on the couch. Fuck it, the weekend already feels like a right off. I'm staying indoors.

It's my birthday. What shit weather for my birthday.

Bruno is cuddled up next to me on the couch keeping me warm so, you know, I hate that. Ha ha. I'm watching car shows on YouTube, and Bruno is snuggled up to my left side snoring away like a snoring hot water bottle. And I am keeping him warm too, of course.

Not an unpleasant way to spend the weekend.

The rain keeps falling outside.

I hope everything the roof guys did yesterday has dried before the rain fell on it. I guess it has. I guess I should think positively and think it is a good opportunity to check the leaks are fixed before I pay the bill? Oh yes, that’s very sensible.

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