Saturday, September 07, 2024


I’m up early, pushing myself clear of the two bulldogs now taking up the middle section of the bed between them. I encourage Bruno onto the bed in a weak moment how many months ago when I was sick and he and Otto were fighting. Now the two of them have made up we can’t get them off the bed. Stupid me.

I make coffee. I breath in the new day. I upload my new Spanish film.

Loli calls to ask me about me. Luke told her when he called her recently to tell her about Mark, who is back in hospital with heart issues.

She’s been in hospital herself having her gallbladder removed after experiencing incredible pain recently. She tells me she is pre-diabetic. I tell her I was diabetic too. That and the heart thing happened pretty much together for me.

She tells me her brother had a heart attack, all his arteries were found to be blocked. He had a difficult recovery, she even had to nurse him. So, I guess I should feel kind of lucky, I had a minor coronary event, as the cardiac specialist put it, and I didn't even take one sick day off work.

Loli and I promise to keep in touch more in the future. Sam and I must head down the beach to see her new house, which we haven't seen yet.

Today, we're walking to Carlton for lunch. We're taking the bulldogs, of course. Now we just need the sun to come out and for the grey sky to turn blue.

And as I wrote that, the sun did come out.

I must tell David. He'll say it is my power, or the divine intervention of the planets, or some such bullshit. And I'll tell him it is a coincidence, like the ones that happen every day.

The same applies to thinking of Loli yesterday and having her call me this morning.

David would say it was all apart of some great cosmic process, or some crap like that.

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