Monday, September 02, 2024


It was Monday, a nothing kind of day. You know, as Mondays often are. It wasn't even a nice day. The best that could be said for it was that it was changeable. Don't you love the way changeable is so often wielded as an insult, when changeable often means inventive and interesting, but not when it comes to the weather.

Armageddon was predicted with the weather last night and today, with a severe weather warning, but it didn't quite seem to eventuate, well, where we were anyway. It rained a bit, the world turn white for a moment with the hail, but that was as bad as it got. The sun came out.

My big boss rang me and asked, "where's Wally?"

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked. "Who's Wally?"

"Boris," he said. He laughed. It was a boss joke, I guess.

"She's got today and tomorrow off and is back Wednesday."

"Oh," he said. "Why did I give her all that time off?"

"Weak moment?" I said deadpan.

We both laughed.

He thanked me for all the work I'd done. He wanted to know where I was going away on holidays?

"I dunno," I said.

He thinks I should take some time off.

Maybe, he is right.

The sun came out again long enough for us to take the dogs for a walk.

We played it safe though and walked the main shopping strip with all the shop verandas for shelter, if need be. As it turned out, we didn't need it.

There was some poor down-and-out who had police in attendance halfway along the strip. Then the boy and girl cops walked behind us as if they were a police escort. We walked until there were no more verandas for shelter then we turned around. Not that it rained while we were walking, but the wind did blow, and it was quite cold.

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