Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Last Day Together

It is my last day of supervised gym work. We did a lot of increased weights to test the limits of what I could do. I can always lift heavier weight, it would seem.

At the end of the session, I thank girl gym trainer for all she's done. We will keep in contact because the program goes on even without us meeting. There is supervision by app, remotely as I get the gym work happening on my own.

We have that fleetingly awkward moment when our last second together arrives and we freeze for that millisecond where we think we should do something, oh I don't know, embrace, be thank over again, have some sort of acknowledgement but neither of us really know what, then we turn and walk away and that is done.

I felt kind of sad riding my bike home in the sun shine. The trees waved over head as I cycled through the park. The sky was blue, the sun shone. It was a good day, I thought.

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