Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Up Early Hump day

I get up early, it is still dark. Bruno gets up with me and pads down the stairs behind me.

I make coffee. Bruno lies out in his super dog pose in the middle of the lounge room.

I take my coffee and I sign into work when it is still 5 something. Okay, it was 5.59am, but still 5 something. Bruno comes and climbs up on the study couch and resumes his sleep. He didn't want to go outside, like I suspected he did. 

I answer a few emails. I wonder if the people I email ever see the time I email and wonder why the hell I am doing work at that time? I don't care. Are people even that observant?

Milo comes into the study and glares at Bruno on the couch, as if he is willing him to evaporate. He lies out on the carpet and close his eyes.

The day turns light suddenly after 6am. Funny how that has happened when you look up.

I get my emails done, and rejig a couple of spreadsheets. Then I am done until the rest of the company wakes up and logs on.

I open the online news to see what misery has befallen the world.

I contemplate another coffee.

It's quiet. I like getting up early for precisely that reason, not that I have any control over the time I wake up. I just wake up early now a days. I love the stillness of seemingly being the only person moving in my world.

The birds sing outside.

I think of Vic in hospital and the rain starts to fall. Is the world outside responding to my thoughts? I think the birds even stopped singing. I see them in my head with their wings across their chests and their heads bowed.

Bruno lets out a snore.

I open my own laptop and write this.

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