Friday, September 20, 2024

Heal Little Plant

I picked up this plant in the street. Someone had pulled it from its pot/garden bed and tossed it into the gutter.

Sam thought I was weird. "Oh, just leave it there. Why do you want that?"

I didn't really want it. It isn't really an unusual plant. 

But, I just couldn't leave it lying there, all folded over and shrivelling up exposed to the sun and the elements, dehydrating to death.

It didn't cost me anything, it took me minutes, at the most, to put it in a pot and give it some water. I already had the succulent soil ready to go.

It was all floppy and bent over, with its leaves - whatever you call a succulent's leafy bits - drooping down, but look at it now.

I don't know, it felt like a good deed, saving a living thing. Maybe that is crazy?

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