Wednesday, September 04, 2024

I Don't know

I don’t know if I’m a nice person? I don’t know? I have awful thoughts about people, but I pass that off as just my arse of humour, it is dark. I do things that favour me and then bitch about selfish people. I don’t know that I’m overly generous.  But then, I’m good at not getting caught up in other people’s shit. I’m good at keeping people’s confidences. You know, secrets. I tend to be easy going. But, I lack empathy, I think sometimes. Things that upset other people, you know when they hear the sad plight of somebody and get upset. I just don’t get upset by sad stories of people I don’t know. I don’t cry at stranger’s misfortune like so many other people seem to. I don’t feel inclined to sign petitions regarding injustices, despite feeling strongly about equality in the world.

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