Sunday, September 01, 2024


It’s almost funny how conservatives have invented this term ‘woke’, well, they have appropriated it to be more correct, as a shortcut, all encompassing, umbrella term to represent all of the grievances they have against anyone who doesn’t agree with them now a days, and yet there’s virtually not one conservative who can tell you what ‘woke’ actually means, as they use it.

Take note next time a conservative is asked to define the woke agenda, they have no doubt been banging on about, and they will stutter and stumble and they will not be able to explain what it is they are complaining about.

Oh course, woke does have a meaning, it's just that all the conservatives who use that term as a pejorative are unaware of what that meaning is.

For those of you who are interested in what it actually means, it means when black people become aware of the discrimination in society against them.

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