Friday, August 23, 2024


It was a 20 minute ride to my gym session. It seems to be taking me less time to ride it now. Funny, how that happens, even though it is exactly the same ride, it always ends up taking less time than it did initially.

My boy trainer is running my session to day. I don't know where my girl trainer is, but she's not with us. That's fine J is nice enough. He'd only been observing up until this point.

Anyway, the session still takes about an hour, and then I am done. Late morning, I climb back on my bike and ride home in the sunshine.

I'm fucked by the time I get home, via the chemist to get the missing script filled.

I hear Charlie stirring in his room, as I head to the stairs, so I race to have a shower and get changed. Charlie is in the bathroom forever when he gets in there.

No one from work has emailed me, so there is that.

3pm. I feel really tired, so I have a nap on the couch with the Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge album playing in my headphones.

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