Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Off To See The Doctor

I go for a checkup. I'm listening to Tina Turner as I walk there. I get there right on time, 8.30am. Funny how doctors always keep you waiting, even if you are there right on time. I always think of that Seinfeld episode with the dentist. Chuckle.

Everything is good, doc is happy with me.

"You are making it easy for me," he said. 

I wasn't, exactly, sure what he meant by that, I guess because I am attending therapy and doing all the things asked of me, like taking my pills. So many pills.

"We'll probably be able to take you some off them eventually," he says.

I wanted to say, define some & eventually, but I let it go.

I was out by 9.15am. It was a nice morning to walk home.

I went to my gym session in the afternoon. Girl trainer was sick, so it was boy trainer and me. I felt stuffed by the time I was riding home. Still, it is nice to get out and ride in the fresh air, that alone does you good.

You have got to love working from home, though.

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