Thursday, August 01, 2024

How Many Rings?


Olympics, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. Nyr. It is just a collective tug, really. Entertainment for the wealthy middle class 4WD set. When is it over? Please tell me it is over soon.

I guess that isn’t the spirit, hey? But, I just don’t get into it. Is that terrible? I guess it is free speech. Good thing we are all different, and all of that. It makes the world interesting.

I’m sorry, but every time I hear, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oi, oi, oi, I just cringe. Consequently, when the Olympic stuff is on, I keep the TV on mute. It has been on mute a lot lately.

People get transfixed by it, like it means something to their lives. Does anyone really care if some muscle bound droob can throw a clay ball further than anyone else? Really? And boxing? Seriously. Boxer’s train so they can bash the shit out of their opponent better than anyone else. Really? And I just want to see the synchronised swimmers drown, glug, glug, glug, if I was honest. Ha ha, I don’t really mean that, but sticking ballet legs out of a pool, what is that all about.

Oh, it is just everywhere, on everything, like it is drowning out all other life as we know it.

Oh, I did think the 19 year old Chinese swimmer was cute, but is he hopped up on steroids like Chinese swimmers always seem to be? He got his precocious nose out of joint because the Aussie swimmer wasn’t nice to him. You poor, pretty little snowflake.

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