Friday, August 09, 2024

Five Days A Week

Working five days a week is horrible. Seriously, two days off barely gives you a chance to piss a day away, you know, sleep in, do nothing, waste it on YouTube. Then you only have one day left. And then you blink and it is Monday morning again. Ugh! And you are back on the mouse wheel, or as David always laughs when I say, you are back at the salt mine licking the salt from the mine wall.

Kill me now!

Boris is back in 3 and half long weeks. 


Apparently, she is having a lovely time staying with her mother, I thought I had to ask. Well, you do, don't you. How's your holiday? You have to at least pretend to be interested, now don't you. Blah, blah, blah. Oh, I don't care. Get back here.

I'm looking at the calendar and somehow willing it to pass quickly.

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