Friday, August 16, 2024

Busy Day Working From Home

I ride my bike to my gym workout, 9.30am. (I've driven my car once since May) I'm going to the gym twice a week, trying it out, you know, as prescribed by doctor's.

It's a nice ride across town. (You know when I say 'across town' I mean the inner suburbs) I ride on very few road, just one section by the botanical gardens, otherwise I'm riding on bike paths and through parks.

L my gym trainer is late. She messages me that Z will be starting me off. He's nice, cute smile.

L turns up soon enough and we get my work out done in an hours.

We test my blood pressure and blood sugar afterwards and they are both good.

I'm home just after 11am. My boss calls me about a mistake I discovered, good timing as I am home and back at my desk and he doesn't need to know I took a few hours off. Not that it would matter as he says it's up to me what I do during my working week.

I have to decide if I want to join up to the gym permanently, L is encouraging me, as you would understand.

I'm going twice a week now, which is so easy working from home, why would anyone want to go work in the office?

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