Friday, August 23, 2024

One Way To Start the day

Off to gym early. People say it is the best way to start the day. Sure. Okay. I'll go with that. I ride my bike across the inner suburbs to get there. The bike ride is good, freedom and fresh air.

I get to see L my trainer. We'll work for about an hour and half. Then I ride home. I'm fucked by the time I get home.

I'm just waiting for a Telehealth call before I leave. Come on doc, let's go. Snap of the fingers! One of my scripts was left off my script. My doctor isn't available, so I am hearing from one of the others. He calls right on time.

"No problem, I'll send it to your phone now."

Bing, sounds my phone.

Not long after the call, he sent a text asking for me to sign over the medicare benefits. Really? But it was your mistake to be fixed. Okay, it wasn't your mistake, it was my doctor's mistake, but I'm not exactly sure why you should profit from it?

I leave on my bike for my gym session. It's a nice ride, it is the only way to get around a big city, I decide.

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