Saturday, August 10, 2024

Who Sticks Their Fingers In The Cookie Jar?

I'm always getting caught by Sam taking a knife full of peanut butter out of the peanut butter jar in the mornings when I am making my Vegemite toast for breakfast, because the damn plastic screw top jar never screws up properly, it always cross threads, or doesn't catch, or it just fumbles inexplicably and Sam looks around and catches me red-handed with the peanut butter jar in my hands looking guilty, I'm sure. 

He looks at me like I am the devil, or that he is just too disappointed for words with my actions. And I feel like a naughty boy. Scolded.

I don't want peanut butter toast in the mornings, it always has to be Vegemite toast, but I like a taste of peanut butter as I make my Vegemite toast. You know, just a taste. Is that so bad, I ask you?

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