Saturday, August 03, 2024

Nice To See Jane

It was so nice to see Jane. She’s down to see friends, but she is also down here for a more serious reason. My step son, and her brother, Fenn, who died, oh, a number of years ago now, had a daughter, and now, apparently, the mother of that daughter is battling cancer, and from all accounts it appears that she is going to lose that battle. So, Fenn’s 10 year old daughter may well be an orphan in the foreseeable future. And, Jane is contemplating stepping in and taking over the raising of her niece. So, that is a part of Jane’s mission in Melbourne.

Let's face it, Fenn was a disaster. He didn’t need to be, he was actually a lovely, smart boy – importing anabolic steroids from a back yard laboratory in Thailand wasn’t smart though. I’m not sure where Fenn thought that was going to lead other than the heart attack that killed him. The idiot girlfriend didn’t help. All that shit she went on with when she first met Fenn? And not that I have had anything to do with the girlfriend/mother for quite a few years, but she was a bigger disaster than Fenn, for different reasons. How may names did she have? I’m still not sure I ever found out what her real name is? So, this kid would be more than lucky to get Jane as her substitute mother. Why Jane wants to do it, I don't know. Oh, you know, a blood relative is a blood relative and all that, I guess.

I’d leave the kid to her own devices, but that is me. I think she is 12 now. Well, you have to learn to fend for yourself at some stage, now don’t you. Oh, I don’t mean that, but surely there is someone else who can look after her? The mother has always been dishonest – my memories of her are still really aggravating, if I think about them – so what kind of values do you think have been instilled into this kid? What kind of trouble is this kid going to be? Her father died when she was very young, and now her mother is going to die at what is possibly her most vulnerable age. The kid sounds like a whole mess of trouble, if you ask me.

Still, I guess it is a selfless act on Jane’s part. Points to her, I guess.

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