Sunday, August 11, 2024

Bob Dylan

I laughed when I was watching Spicks & Specks and Jimmy Barnes kid, I think she is Elly-May, said she only ever listened to Bob Dylan.

The greatest song writer of all time, so why not. If you were going to listen to one singer exclusively why wouldn't it be Bob Dylan.

her saying that rekindled my love of Bob Dylan, and I have been, almost exclusively, listening to him since.

I've loved him ever since I first heard Hurricane. It has been an enduring love. I've been picking his CDs up second hand over the last few years, so my own library of music has quite a lot of Dylan. 

And, of course, there is Apple Music. It's weird, you know, I find it much easier to listen to music from my own music library, which is limited, than to listen to music from Apple Music, which is unlimited. I'm sure there must be some deep psychological reason for that, you know, unlimited choice just becomes confusing, or something like that.

She seemed very cool, Elly-May Barnes. Really lovely.

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