Tuesday, August 13, 2024


I signed into work at 6 something and got the emails waiting for me out of the way.

Then, I started off going to write my fiction blog. I have been going back over the last few days and rewriting what I can. Lots of it, actually.

But, today, I got distracted by Pinterest with Willian Gedney images which I started saving to my picture library. Good photographer, just the style I like, kind of urban.

So, I didn't do any writing, just photos.

And it wasn't until 11.15am when I got more work to do, so I started doing that before lunch. Yep, that was how long it was before anyone wanted me to do anything. Then I just got everything done.

Then David called and I chatted to him.

Then it was lunch, Sam made me noodles.

This afternoon I have to go to cardiac re-hab. Oh, yes, I never really told you what all that hospital stuff was about, now did I? I wrote lots on it but when it came to blogging it, oh, I don't know what, I just kind of didn't want to go into all of that. I felt disappointment mostly. 

Ah,, some stupid little artery that no one can even see decided to make itself important, and... well, anyway. I feel fine. But I now have to go and do all this medical stuff, fuck it. There is a cast of thousands. Oh well, it can't be bad for me.

I didn't even take a sick day, not that really means anything, it is just QI, quite interesting.

Anyway, it is a lovely day, the sun is shining, the sky is blue. Good day to get my bike out for a ride. I've been riding my bike to all my appointments, it is the only way to travel around a big city. And luckily for me, us, there are plenty of bike tracks to use instead of roads and all that car driving anger.

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