Saturday, August 24, 2024


Saturday, what can I say? We walked the dogs to the shops, it was quite a nice day for it. Sam did the grocery shopping while Bruno, Otto and I sat outside.

I ran into an old friend, Perry. I was kind of going to avoid him, oh, we haven't spoken for some time, I kind of let him go during Covid, letting people who I didn't really see go. But, really, what does that do for anyone? Nothing. So I said hello and we chatted, he seemed good.

We bought pork rolls for lunch. A fire truck of firemen turned up as they were being made. One of them was very interested in the bulldogs. 

We walked home with the shopping bags over our shoulders. 

My pork roll wasn't all that nice, it taste more like fat than pork. And, it was from the good shop, the one that has people queuing up, where we normally buy them.

We spent the rest of the day at home... auditioning for sloth of the day. Ha, ha. It was couches and screens for the rest of the day. Sam does TikTok, I do YouTube. Well, we'd been for an hours walk, so what the hell.

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