Friday, August 30, 2024


I signed into work at 6am.

We'd been warned that we might lose internet today due to routine maintenance, or some such thing. The internet at home went down at 7am.

I went to my gym workout.

The sun shone as I rode my bike across the inner suburbs.

Boy trainer took my session. Girl trainer must still be sick.

Some guy collapsed in the middle of the gym. He looked about 35. He was a tall, ugly fella. Of course, he wasn't at his best, granted. 

Paramedics were called. We were all asked to step outside to give them some privacy.

I have no idea what happened to him, nobody was really talking about it. It was as if there was some sort of reverential code which we all had to follow, understanding the situation was to remain undiscussed.

The guy looked a bit green as he was taken away on a gurney.

Then we all headed back inside. I forgot my water bottle which I left sitting on the ground out in the corridor just outside the door, and I went back outside to get it, when I turned sharply to pick it up, I kind of stumbled a bit and had to put my hand to the wall to steady myself. There was an instructor standing there and he asked if I was okay.

"Oh yes, fine, we'd hate to have to call another ambulance, hey?

He just stared back at me poe-faced.

Too soon, I thought to myself. Oh, that crazy sense of humour of mine.

The sun shone as I rode home.

I got home by 11am.

I had a shower. 

11.30am. The internet came back up.

Nobody from work had emailed me.


It was a pretty easy day. I think I got one more work email. 

And, essentially, that is the end of my full time work. Boris is back the middle of next week. Finally. Over.

We took the dogs for a walk.

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