Friday, August 02, 2024

End of the Week

This working full time has knobs on it. Ha ha, that is an expression my father used to use. Something has knobs on it. I wonder what the origin of that expression is? Oh, it means it comes with extra things added? Mmmm?

The end of my full time week. I was thinking it was my 2nd full time week, but when I look it is my 3rd. My, how time flies, as they say. Well, I can’t really describe it as having had fun, considering the last few weeks. How does anyone have a life, working full time? How can you keep a positive POV on your life, working this way? It's all work with just a blink in between. How does anyone get anything done? You know, other than work? I could learn to hate this.

I stopped working full time after the (well known) awful law firm, for which I worked. I was lucky, I just naturally saved my money and found myself in the position to do so. Of course, it was after the psychopaths who ran the awful law firm made life unboreable for everyone concerned, that I came to the decision. We all worked very hard, but the unhinged execs in that company treated us all very badly and then sacked most of us anyway for our trouble.

I haven’t worked full time ever since.

Oh no, I don’t want to do it again. Time just merges into one big working blur. Two days break isn’t enough for that.

My step daughter, Jane, came for a visit, that was nice. She wanted to see me after my four days spent in hospital.

I spent that time in hospital and I didn't take one day sick. It is all a part of working from home., I guess.

Jane was heading out to dinner with friends. She is only in Melbourne for four days. She was her usual lovely self. It was nice to see her.

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