Saturday, August 17, 2024

On The Couch All Day

I'm up early this morning, just because I am up early in the morning. As I have said previously, I just don't seem to be able to sleep in anymore. We've been having lovely sunny days, lately, like a hint of summer already seeping into life, but by 7am this morning, it was raining and cold.

Sad face.

That kind of set up the day. 

And I was so lazy all day, I just lay on the couch and watched YouTube all day. Car restoration channels. American politics. Crazy Karens. Road Rage. And those YouTube shorts I can scroll through endlessly. I was cuddled up on the couch with Bruno, who didn't really move either.

Eventually, the sun did come out and the day was quite lovely. And we did take the dogs for a walk for an hour.

But, other than the dog walk, I didn't move from the couch all day, glued to YouTube. I did fuck all else. Ha ha.

Sam watched sci fi shit on Apple TV. They all seem like the same show to me, but I guess that is streaming services as much as it is sc fi shows.

I felt so indulgently lazy, you know when you feel incredibly relaxed, but also just a little disappointed in yourself for not having done something just a little more meaningful, that was me, all day. Just wasting my life in an incredibly lovely kind of way. Oh fuck it, who says you have to do something all the time?

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