Friday, June 24, 2005

File Marked With an X

SMS. 9.22. Shelley rang me last night. Do you think her fat fingers pushed the wrong buttons? Just driving to Adelaide 4 the week... – Rachel

SMS. 9.56. Didn't u become buddies last time Shel was in Melb? Who’s going to Adelaide? – Christian

SMS. 9.59. Not that I remembered... all the family r going 4 my dad’s 70th, home 4th July. I will call, we need 2 go out 4 dinner – Rachel

SMS.10.19. 4th July? I hope that's not ominous? Don't accept any dud penny bungers. Say happy birthday to Mike. Where r u now? – Christian

SMS.10.24. Baccus Marsh. Only 8 hours 2 go. Macca's in Horsham. Yummy! – Rachel

SMS. 10.31. Oh... come back and get me. The sun is shining. The sky is blue. It's gotta be better than my office for the day – Christian

Subject: Got wood

Did your tall, dark and handsome b/f provide?


Subject: morning

Lovely sunny Friday morning. I wore my new leather jacket to work, looking at it in all the shop windows along the way. I've decided that it looks good. So, I guess, that is good.

Must dye my hair for Saturday night. He, he.

I've got a favour/job/something for you to do. Do you remember the other day, you started to talk about the mythical years of the 90's – we were at my place talking about it. How would you like to have a go at writing that down for me? Included in that would be dates, to the best of your ability.

And you can write about when you first met everyone?

How about it?


Subject: sunny friday


What a grumpy thing you are, doubting my lovely BF, Mark Windsor...

Yes he came through for me, in more ways than one!

Now, about those lost years, I won't make promises I can't keep, but yeah maybe I will spend time doodling it all out for you. I imagine, I will have lots of time for that in Hospital.

The plan for tomorrow night is to meet at Mark W and Shane from 11pm.

Love ya



Subject: sunny friday

Lovely old Mark W.

No, no... no promises, I thought that was a given. It's just that what you actually said that night when we were talking about it was fantastic, I wish I had written it down at the time.

11pm. At Molestation Street. Rightie Oh.

Maybe, I should go to Bolago tonight to see Jai? Mmmmm?


Subject: sunny friday

you may go to Bolago

just make sure you come back :)

give jane my love

xxxx Tom

Subject: shopping tra la la


Another (winter) jacket.

A lovely pair of track pants by Everlast (grrr).

Oh Christian, I do like this having money thingy. It's so funny. Next week I shall do the Chapel St shuffle, and maybe Brunswick St and Bridge Rd.

I have two girlfriends coming down from Sydney, Polly and Kha, on Tuesday. Perhaps you will meet them Tuesday night?


Subject: shopping tra la la

There is a little bit of south-of-the-Yarra in all of us. All it needs is a little opportunity and the whole ugliness bubbles to the surface. Of course, your file would still be marked (make no mistake, it would be a permanent mark) from choosing to live south-of-the-Yarra willingly, despite it being all of those years ago


Subject: Bolago

On seconds thoughts you really should go...

You know what staying home with Tim could be like!


Subject: Bolago

I'm sure I don't, actually.


Subject: shopping tra la la

elwood is not spiritually south of the yarra

and think back to last friday re Tim


SMS. 13.07. Horsham is absolutely gorgeous! The sun is warm, I feel like a cat on a windowsill, purr, purr – Rachel

SMS. 14.12. Lovely! Anton with you? – Christian

I told Beck what I had written. We both laughed.

Subject: early morning

At work on time, were we?


Subject: early morning

I was early ---- ! was in at 6.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAARGGGHHHH!!! Going to have a few drinks at Establishment X after work – then maybe a dvd – would you like to join us?


Subject: early morning

Yes, maybe I will.

Subject: early morning

goody... I’m out of here at 4.30... so I will see you at home first...... Need a beer!!!!!!!!!!!! argh!!



I better bring you some rent home!!


I sent this email just as a tease, we all know how Tom hates to be left out of pub trips. Secretly, I was hoping it would leave him out and entice him to come, all at the same time. Not really sure of the double meaning. I suppose it was “doing.”

Subject: drinking tra la la

Just drinks at the pub tonight with Tim and Beau... so you can stop worrying.


SMS. 16.32. Yup, but plan 2 lose him as much as possible. Tee, hee – Rachel

Beck and I were walking out of the building when I read this sms. We both laughed. Beck knows all about all of my friends, all the tacky details.

SMS. 17.30. R u there yet? – Christian

SMS. 17.30. Lovely Tailem Bend! – Rachel

SMS. 17.34. Lovely. I’m orf home. Off to the pub. Lovely – Christian

SMS. 17.35. I am knitting a lovely scarf. Italian or Greek tonight? – Rachel

I did a quick lap around the new Dimmies in Bourke Street, in my cheap leather jacket, hoping all along that they wouldn’t be selling it too amongst their new stock. There was nothing there I was interested in, unless I wanted an Essendon dressing gown, which I didn’t.

SMS. 17.41. One of each, hopefully. Twins! Greek mother, Italian father. I’m salivating. It’s been a while – Christian

SMS. 17.43. Bit hungry myself now u mention it…ciao. Yassu – Rachel

SMS. 17.50. I could go 4 a mouthful myself. See ya. Christian

Subject: drinking tra la la

which pub?


Tim, Neil and I went to Establishment X and ate dinner and drank beer out of pint glasses. We went to the milkbar, or as Tim likes to call it, China and bought white wine and beer to take home. I didn’t partake, as I knew I was going to smoke joints anyway.

Beau worked later and arrived after that. He’s nice. Gorgeous smile. He rolls baseball bat joints. Maybe he is the twenty first century manifestation of Fergus? He is cheeky, like Fergus. He laughs like Fergus.

Maybe not in sound, but in the freedom to, the frequency. Although, his voice does have a similar timbre, I guess. He even looks, close one eye and squint, a little bit like Fergus.

We watched The Interpreter starring Nicole Kidman. I was keen to see more Nicole Kidman movies, as I keep criticising her having not seen many of her later movies. So far, crap 3, great nil.

Neil went home. He and Ben get on so well, as they work together with Tim.

SMS. 23.31. Do u know where to get wood delivered from? – Christian

SMS. 23.31. nfi – G

I thought this meant not fucking interested. I turned to Tim and asked, rather rhetorically, I must say, is G pissed off with me? Tim laughed a few minutes later saying, no fucking idea. And something about believing the worst.

SMS. 23.35. Well you’re no help – Christian

SMS. 23.56. Slut – G

SMS. 23.58. Bitch! – Christian

SMS. 00.20. Yep – G

SMS. 00.22. Cock sucker – Christian

We smoked more pot and watched The Dawn of the Dead. It was too awful for me, stuff I didn’t need, or want, to see, so, I went to bed not long after midnight. I don’t care what anyone says, nasty material like that has to affect some people, even if it is in the unconscious realm of being numbed out to such gratuitous violence. Besides, I was fucked! Pissed. Stoned. Headache. Sore neck. Falling asleep. 

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