Monday, January 13, 2014

Back To Work

Boo Hoo! What happened to the holidays? They are over. What happened to that bastard TattsLotto win? What happened? Sad face.

The traffic on Victoria Street was sparse, this morning. Lovely. There were signs all the way down the road that said something about a road closure. I kept thinking I should read them, however, I could keep going, so I did. Nobody stopped me, so I didn’t stop and I didn’t bother to read the signs… thoroughly.

At work by 8.30am. Everybody was late, complaining about the Victoria Street bridge being closed. I don’t really want to be there anymore. How many days have I got to go? End of Jan. Onward and upward, that is what I think. On to something new. Next.

There has been little talk of late from Cathy about me doing a more long term role with them. Permanent, you may say. I know this is often only in my own head, but I feel as though my lustre may have worn away just a little. I don’t know. But eventually I get bored and I am sure that shows to those who are employing me.

I don’t know? Is it all in my own head? Or, at least, does it start in my head but then become a reality I manifest because of the way I am feeling? I’m sure it all starts with my insecurities?

I don’t know?

Did I create this?

Maybe I am just bored?

The female I am doing the maternity leave for confirmed today that she will not be returning.

At the beginning of this assignment I was looking forward to her doing just that. Now, not so much. Sad isn't it. Three weeks to go.

I'll need another week, or two off when I finish. (Don't tell Sam – let see if he is still reading my blog) I'll be calling Jack around the middle of Feb to see what he has for me.

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