Guido called and said he was in the area. Now that is a first, he must have wanted something, I thought. Sam was still asking, "What?" as I was typing "yes, drop by." I thought bugger it, why not? Sam only protested a little. He gave in with a bit of a whimper, to tell you the truth.
David dropped in after teaching Indian Philosophy.
Guido couldn’t find a car park, so we sat in his car, which is always good for me getting two bags and Sam not having to blow a valve when I do it in front of him. Oh, come one, those bags are getting smaller by the year. Guido laughed, he just wanted to gossip.
“That’s good, as [friends name] wanted to see me and she never has any money." [friends name] has just be diagnosed with ADHD, to which Guido said nobody was surprised.
“That much amyl has to do damage,” said Guido. He then told me how [friends name] was colour blind.
"Apparently, that is why she is always blind at night clubs," said Guido. "And I always thought it was the drugs."
I said that I didn’t think women could be colour blind.
"Aren't they carriers, and it is the blokes who are actually colourblind?"
Neither of us knew for sure.
I got out of the car as the next topic of conversation started up. It was me, or Guido, at that point - oh yes, thank you so much from delivery - but I had joints to roll, and none were getting rolled in the car.
David hoovered up the leftover pasta in the fridge. He didn't care if I scraped 2 bowls of leftover pasta into one bowl and then nuke it. Then he ate the rest of my stewed apple. He stayed to watch Riot, the history of the Sydney Mardi Gras. We’d watched the first twenty minutes, before David got there, but I didn’t mind watching it again, as the pot had arrived by that stage and I was happy to roll a few joints in the meantime.
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