Wednesday, January 01, 2020


2020, the hindsight year?

Or, is that, the seeing clearly ahead year?

Yeah, probably not either, hey? It will probably just be more of the same. Heading towards our predictable demise as vested interests obfuscate the truth for what end? I'm not really sure. No matter how much money you have, or how wealthy you can claim to be, the SS Human Race is on the 25 degree tilt, the orchestra is still playing, sure, but the waters of demise are lapping at the rich man's feet as equally as the poor man's feet, more and more.

New Years resolutions, I guess they are just the same as always. Read more, write more, sleep more, laugh more, eat more (Less, that one should be less) love more, and tell more stupid people to fuck off more.

Be more.

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