It is about treating everyone in society equally, but it isn’t really that.
I think protests are great, society’s voice, free speech at work. More people should protest.
Sadly, the arrogant Morrison Government doesn’t listen to the people, and it lies when the people say things it doesn’t like.
The protesters can protest, but are they really going to achieve anything? What are they going to achieve? Systemic racism has always been with us, it has never been eradicated. It probably won’t be eradicated now. Our government has no will to change things.
Of course, that doesn’t mean the protesters shouldn’t try.
They can change the procedures of the police force, of course, that should be achievable.
Pulling down statues, I think, is a cry for help by protesters when they feel they are powerless to change the world into a place where racism and violence against black people has been eradicated. Still, if a statue represents racism, can you tell me a good reason why we should keep it?
But racism in society? The only real answer is education, which is not going to fix the problem in the short term, or the foreseeable future. And with conservative governments continually being elected around the world, quality education is never going to be available to everyone. Conservative governments only provide quality education to the people who can afford to pay for it.
The Morrison Government can’t even bare the idea of our history books telling the truth about the invasion of Australia.
So, what is the answer to racism in our modern, civil society (civil for some of us, which is, actually, the point)? What are the answers? I don't know, which is shameful. We should know the answers by now? But, I don't even know why people give all that energy over to being racist in the first place.
It might make the privileged members of society feel better if they protest, but if history tells us anything, that is all it is probably going to do.
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