Tuesday, March 18, 2025


There are increased anti immigration rants, by people around the world.

Immigration that made so many countries so successful, including Australia.

And with very low birth rates in western countries, it is what is going to make us successful in the future, most likely.

So, people, stop the nonsense, stop listening to conservative politicians point scoring, and stop being racist, and ridiculous and stop denigrating immigration, it is what is going to secure most of our futures.

Let's face it, anti immigration rants are just racism repackaged. That's all they are. Why are we accepting racism today? We should condemn the people making anti immigration speeches.

Don't vote for the party that is using immigration as a political tool in the coming federal election, vote for the party that is going to do most for all Australians.

And remember, despite what they say, nuclear power will be the most expensive form of energy generation. Renewables, despite whatever drawbacks they have, will always be cheaper than nuclear. Any argument to the contrary is smoke and mirrors and an argument for something other than nuclear, in Australia's case, it is an argument for the continuing use of fossil fuels.

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