Saturday, February 03, 2007

Rage Against the Machine

This week there was a doco on about the cold war. It's premise was that the cold war was largely invented by the conservative powers in the US government to stem the tide of liberalism on home soil. It was the beginning of using fear as a political weapon. The propaganda fabricated and disseminated was largely so the christian agenda was pushed, ultimately trying to prevent boys and girls in the US from touching each other. The whole cold war propaganda was fabricated to push a conservative, moral agenda back home.

It was fascinating and frightening.

And who do you thing was leading the war on the commies, Donald Rumsfeld. There was a speech he made about Russian weapons of mass destruction in 1975 that if you substituted Iraq for Russia, it could have easily been given 30 years later. It was the exact same shit. And as in Iraq, much of the propaganda about Russia in the 1970's, was lies.

1 comment:

Bold oy! said...

It's totally scary.
The election system in USA favors the conservatives and too many people are full of fear.
There are parallels to the situation in Germany in the thirties where the fear of communism gave the power to Hitler.