Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Random Thoughts On The Day

Toddler climbs into a car and dies? Isn't that just natural selection, 21st Century style? You know, getting rid of the dumb ones. The world will probably be a better place, without them. They'll only grow up to feed the stupidity tax of gambling, no doubt. Mindless Pokies. Or deal drugs to your kids. Or kill you in an accident driving blind.

Can someone explain to me why Della-Riva has been caught up in a scandal, let alone lost his job? This woman concerned was 18 years old, an adult. He didn't attack her, he didn't assault her, he didn't do anything illegal? What's the big deal? So he hit on some chick? He had a go, she said no and, I'm assuming, that was the end of it. What is the big deal? That's called life, grow up, you are an adult now. A man doesn't deserve to lose his job for that.

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